A Eucalyptus tree with the sun shining through...

Image via Wikipedia



Eucalyptus: antibacterial, anti fungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti inflammatory and decongestant

One of the most powerful antiseptics of its class and tends to improve with age.


Eucalyptus is a stimulant and will increase cardiac action.


Eucalyptus the healing oil from Australia. This is a wonderful oil that should be in every home and emergency kit. A very powerful antiseptic and antibiotic that can be used for all sorts of scrapes. A little bit applied to the scrape will help reduce the chance for infection and start the healing process. Another way the Eucalyptus is used is through a vapor rub. Simply mix a few drops of eucalyptus with jojoba or sweet almond oil and apply it liberally to the chest when a loved one is experiencing bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia or just a common cold. You can reapply the rub every four hours. The aroma of the eucalyptus will open the sinus and allow easier breathing. Additionally, the lungs will open and allow the mucus to move and be expelled for coughing.


Here are a few other ways that eucalyptus can be used:

Eucalyptus: antibacterial, anti fungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti inflammatory and decongestant

One of the most powerful antiseptics of its class and tends to improve with age.

Eucalyptus is a stimulant and will increase cardiac action.

Eucalyptus can be used as a antiseptic gargle.

Eucalyptus provides some malarial protection

Eucalyptus can be liberally applied to the chest when mixed with a carrier oil in cold, bronchitis and pneumonia

Eucalyptus can be used to as an antiseptic for a wound.

Eucalyptus has been used in treating burns

Eucalyptus is good for treating insect bites and stings

Eucalyptus is good for relieving muscle aches and pains. As a strong anti inflammatory and analgesic eucalyptus is perfect for tired sore muscles.

Eucalyptus is good for mental exhaustion either inhaled or applied as a spritz

Eucalyptus can be used to treat fever

Eucalyptus has been used in all animals with severe infections and parasitic skin infections.


 Side effects:

In large doses eucalyptus can be irritating to the kidneys

Should not be used if experiencing high blood pressure

Eucalyptus should not be used internally without the advice of a healing professional


If you would like to know more about the healing powers of eucalyptus or any essential oil please feel free to contact us at 808-679-9880 or email at nsihinfo@gmail.com or leave us a comment and we will respond.